End of Year Tasks

The Pearson digital learning platforms utilize an automated New Year Rollover (NYR) process. The Student Information System (SIS) triggers the New Year Rollover (NYR) process on the Pearson learning platforms. The NYR process releases students from classes, which frees up digital license subscriptions. Districts can decide when their New Year Rollover (NYR) takes place using the pause period. Click here to learn more about pause period.

Prior to performing the New Year Rollover (NYR), it is recommended that teachers run final class and student reports. Student data can be retrieved from classes that have been marked to expire until the class is permanently deleted.

Note: There is a 30 day grace period from the time the New Year Rollover is initiated to the time the classes are permanently deleted. The end-date of classes in the SIS will not trigger closure of classes on the platforms. These classes can be marked inactive or hidden from within each platform manually when access is no longer needed. See platform specific documentation for help with this task.

Do you have manually rostered classes too? If manually rostered classes do not opt out of new year rollover, they will be removed after the district pause period ends, and when a new ingestion file is sent for the auto-rostered classes.

Opt Out of New Year Rollover for Manually Rostered Classes

Teachers and End of Year in Manually Rostered Classes